NCSexCon Goes West:
Colloquium in the mountains

Promoting interdisciplinary coordination among members of advocacy, clinical care, education, human/social services and research, to share innovative approaches, best practices and practical applications for the enhancement of sexual health across the lifespan in North Carolina.
NC SEXCON is targeted towards individuals working in and across the sexual health field, including clinical care, education, reproductive health and justice, HIV/ STDs, LGBTQ healthcare, advocacy, policy development, and overall sexuality from birth to death.
The health and safety of our conference attendees is our top priority. All attendees will be required to follow all federal, state and city requirements in place at the time of the NCSEXCON regarding vaccination masking, or other mitigation steps.
We reserve the right to implement additional mitigation steps.
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.